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发表于 2010-3-13 19:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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From: Lhenreittal Y <lhenreittal@yahoo.co.uk> ! z2 A2 ~- d9 n( F9 X
To: WangleiPE@cicc.com.cn <WangleiPE@cicc.com.cn>; wanglei_chn@yahoo.co.uk <wanglei_chn@yahoo.co.uk> ; D# ^% ~9 H/ D8 ^
1 Y  k" @5 M' x+ {8 [- kxinjie@cicc.com.cn <xinjie@cicc.com.cn>;
3 [6 L& t& D# E$ Xcaojian@eplanetventures.com <caojian@eplanetventures.com>;- M' h1 u( o' {* q. g, t
cyj@fengshang2002.com <cyj@fengshang2002.com>; Stevens, Joe;
( E* D2 ]$ }' k" [6 h* T8 d; Ealastair.j.morrison@gmail.com <alastair.j.morrison@gmail.com>;
; W0 }- q4 Y* O- O3 e- vzhu.wei@sc.com <zhu.wei@sc.com>; liuzhao@cicc.com.cn
! D) H. R" E: W8 h( p8 z5 \<liuzhao@cicc.com.cn>; wangsg@cicc.com.cn5 l6 V; J; S# q1 |7 n
<wangsg@cicc.com.cn>; weiqi@cicc.com.cn$ I4 \3 B- ~- X4 M  t) i+ D: w
<weiqi@cicc.com.cn>; yaolei@cicc.com.cn
: {" H: o( j0 |- `/ W<yaolei@cicc.com.cn>; jrx_1989@163.com <jrx_1989@163.com>;# v2 [" e, I; ^4 _& k
xiatian@cicc.com.cn <xiatian@cicc.com.cn>; lukai@cicc.com.cn
8 n. c9 n3 b8 Z. @8 I<lukai@cicc.com.cn>; jiangxq@cicc.com.cn
; q9 }8 c' d. V; ?<jiangxq@cicc.com.cn>; fengdy@cicc.com.cn
( V* y/ ^( _5 E# U<fengdy@cicc.com.cn>; zhufeng_fm@cicc.com.cn
6 \) }. H, s  p+ [<zhufeng_fm@cicc.com.cn>; WUXP@cicc.com.cn
  F, w+ `% K' j3 F- d/ [<WUXP@cicc.com.cn>; weina@cicc.com.cn <weina@cicc.com.cn> 6 r2 y% ~8 ^, O
Sent: Fri Mar 12 1258 2010
  h' T6 W: k3 L$ ?" S9 f- [  XSubject: WL = Lying Asshole 5 f2 ]4 m; e- Y5 X8 x, C
' C3 P! T) a& ~  T

+ k7 g6 `9 a2 }6 ]. Q: }' c+ ^4 A& O# A  n0 ^- H& C& F' N

/ u2 h4 S% I+ o" IWL,
* d5 i' R4 j5 Q* Z, d% J# z# [4 Pyou are a liar and a cheater!  I left my husband and Singapore for you,
" g  l& Q# Z$ @' t! o# p9 Uthinking I can finally find happiness.  Last August when we got
; U- u7 l0 i2 aintimate during our Nanjing project, you promised to abandon your" v* _/ g/ f  s: G8 I: @2 ^* D/ P
second fiancée for me.  But it's been seven months and you're still1 ?. ^+ ?* m1 t- k1 w* ?
telling me to stay hidden because you don't want our coworkers, your
" ]  x2 _* U; p- E' S% F% dfriends and family to know you're living with a married woman who is
+ x, @8 L* L8 |9 i/ c$ P/ hnot your wife.  Well, I  just found out that the real reason you want
8 S( `3 N- |6 r0 k5 W0 ^9 @! G( Geveryone to think you're single is because you're secretly whoring; r9 J! o1 q% K" b/ a. i: U* `
around with at least two other 情妇 at the same time!  One is a married
) V6 w' E! o3 E0 i2 I4 W6 ^/ K: b- Uclient of SC and the other one is a 21-year-old high school dropout
8 W4 @5 l! p# H: u( n5 a( R& R; Mfrom the 峰尚 project where we worked together!  I can’t believe you are
/ d) l3 V& c) T3 zscrewing around with so many women on company time. Did being on the
4 b  y8 {! f" g/ Z4 ~9 r& ABoard of Directors at 峰尚 help you to score?  No wonder it always took* i* `; e) v  r4 u, c* ~% E
you so long to get work done!  And I finally understand why you carried
" {  a8 }6 }; r( U, d; Q) naround three separate boxes of condoms in your brown travel bag.  I
" T" i  D4 Y* w7 r0 E' |always wondered why you bought so many since it’s not like we were able
$ C& c' n5 M! F2 m; e8 \2 R2 dto use a lot anyway.
; c, y' C/ k' g' {& c
% m' h1 g% F7 P! S4 x# _/ BYou explained that you were using the: s0 o/ R  Y  q2 }# J  e) N* n
married woman to curry favors from her husband’s business.  How does
1 P6 ~9 l0 r0 b, l6 S; G, fthat explain the intimate exchanges you continue to have after you've
* k4 d* \+ e0 w; ^7 k3 C2 ^6 rgone to CICC and why would she offer to buy you expensive gifts?  What
: O1 F5 r  c" l) k) G1 h1 \+ M* L“services” do you perform for her? Don’t you feel ashamed that your
0 i9 H, L) j% ^4 d2 S0 H, Hex-fiancée subsidized your housing for the last two years and to keep
# }. n2 [( ?. uyou happy, had to buy you expensive things like the USD$300 shoes( h, S0 A* `2 V& H: n; N
you’re wearing on your feet and the USD$500 flashlight you keep in your
+ J. y7 R  G6 w# V5 a% Lcar, only to have you turn around and cheat on her?  / O- x4 t6 O4 R" o. w

5 P! W8 t% T/ ^) |* aI’m, }. c8 d# s1 @# E6 M2 v! d! y  b
telling everyone at SC and CICC you are a 卑鄙小人and not to trust you2 X' U& m8 H6 Z* Y* i1 L" _6 t
without adult supervision on company projects, because you will surely) t8 a1 q- L; |* _( R* J
take advantage of company resources to cheat, lie, and sleep around
& m" U. X4 D8 ?3 {* xwith anyone from the office.
  b! [+ C2 q3 i
7 |+ x. W: m, m) A+ D; ?+ EShame on you, WL!  Go back to your mommy.    为了你的电脑安全,请只打开来源可靠的网址。打开网址 取消来自:#   为了你的电脑安全,请只打开来源可靠的网址。打开网址 取消转自:傲游浏览器转帖插件
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