怡陶碧谷的Sullie Gorman酒吧离市长福特的母亲家只有一街之隔,是福特经常饮酒作乐的地方。本周一晚上,福特在酒吧里喝醉酒,用不雅语言谈论多伦多公车局前主席、也是福特竞选对手的史玎丝,并肆意谈论其它政党,其谈话被酒吧的顾客录音,并把录音带交给多伦多太阳报,太阳报和其它英文媒体对此大篇幅报道,加上福特的吸毒视频曝光,令福特再也承受不了巨大的舆论压力,选择暂时离开市议会和多伦多,到美国芝加哥治疗毒瘾,福特的政治生涯也可能就此走向终结。 无忧资讯 《多伦多太阳报》的社评指,早前获得的疑似福特录音中,声音中的男子向市长候选人史玎丝(Karen Stintz)作出了一些涉性猥亵的暗示。福特表示,并不记得说过甚么,但史玎丝其后发声明指,有关的言论非常具冒犯性,指他有需要跟所有多伦多居民道歉。 录音中,一个男子问福特怎样看史玎丝。福特说:“I'd like to f**king jam her, but she doesn't wan't.”不过,他又说不可如此讲说话,他忘记了有女士在场。 ( f6 s! Y R7 N& B* C B( b
& m/ A b6 X h/ e9 }4 c史玎丝原本对福特的言论一笑置之,并指“希望(这段录音)并不真确地反映他对我作为同事的感受”。史玎丝又指希望“为了他健康和家人的缘故,他能得到他需要的帮助”。 info.51.ca 无忧资讯 不过,史玎丝的竞选发言人于周三晚发表声明,要求福特道歉。 , x. N/ P& t2 ~, a) V! F! O5 `" e
声明称,“市长福特于今晚发表的言论对所有多伦多居民深具冒犯性。一名现任市长会作出这样令人震惊和顽固的言论实在令人反感。这并不是福特第一次发表歧视女性的言论。很不幸地,很多人一直对福特不予追究。史玎丝将于未来数日直接回应这些言论。今晚,支持史玎丝的人会继续团结在她背后。除了寻求协助,我们希望福特不单向史玎丝,而是向这伟大的城市中任何对市长有更高期望的人正式道歉。” ' j' J& ^9 @. F% c% `0 [
以下是该不雅音频的文字版(来源:《国家邮报-National Post》): ROB FORD: [They] put this fucking flag up, ahead of our Canadian flag. I said, no, [that’s-what-I’m-trying-to-say] that’s bullshit. Bullshit. They went to Queen’s Park, they said “no way.” Tim Hudak comes out and says “yeah I agree with all the gays.” That’s it. I lost my conservative value on the— MALE PATRON: You went to Queen’s Park with him. You’re the mayor; you actually went to Queens Park with him. FORD: No, they went; the, the gay organization went to Queen’s Park and they’re on the stands with him. So at Queen’s Park you have to have every member to vote for ‘em. " n4 Z( ^7 K) E; P. V8 G
MALE PATRON: Of course. I thought you were the one who—
/ B9 _3 X, p9 H! J0 @
福特就是在左边的酒吧用粗俗语言攻击女性市长候选人史玎丝。 无 忧 网 - 51 FORD: No, no, and Tim says ‘you know what?’ That’s right. I think it’s kind of—Right there, he lost my vote. I don’t know what the fu—. I can’t vote Liberal, because I don’t like what Wynne’s doing. Not because she’s gay, I just don’t like the corruption. NDP; I’m just not left wing. I am like Tim Hudak but I can’t—I won’t put a sign up on his lawn, I won’t give him any money, I might have to vote Green, I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna vote right now. I’ve gotta vote something. MALE PATRON: See, that’s incredible— 加国 无忧 51.CA ROB FORD: But I am absolutely going to vote. I’m probably going to vote green cause the green guy didn’t say a fucking word. MALE PATRON: But you’re a business guy. You have business, you have a successful business. How could you vote for anything but [Progressive Conservative]? 无忧 资讯 info.51.CA MALE PATRON #2: [unintelligible] ) W9 k9 P- e8 P! k, j

' S: n8 n5 Y b; C5 G3 w; _福特再爆吸毒视频,怀疑在其姐姐家中地下室被人偷拍。
7 e% O( r* V5 k9 ?FORD: No, no, I don’t mind. Listen, I don’t mind … As long as they vote, I’d rather them vote against me than not vote at all. I’d rather lose to Olivia Chow than lose to anyone, man, because you know what? [The city’s] going to get fucked so bad, they’re going to say ‘thank you.’ Nah, I’m not coming back. Once I’m done, I’m done. I’m going to California. MALE PATRON #2: How about Karen Stintz? FORD: I’d like to fucking jam her but she don’t want it. I can’t talk like this anymore. [Responding to a female voice] I’m so sorry, I forgot there was a woman in the house.
% z+ d' V) x1 U p; k8 g5 @FORD: Guys think I’m carrying an [unintelligible]. There’s no envelope, there’s no secret service. I’m him. I’m him. I don’t, there’s no secret service, I’m him. He just thinks he’s secret service … I’m not a normal mayor. You know what? I am not the normal mayor. I’m not the normal mayor.
. ]. _, D5 G A3 t: iMALE PATRON: How do you fuck your wife? 0 x3 `$ M/ i# C2 A' k
FORD: I’d fuck her wife. I’d fuck—what the fuck? … Now, I won’t go that far … that’s when we start talking my language. - @0 E1 M4 G; ? u5 K" ~
FEMALE VOICE: Oh Nick, stop, I don’t like where this conversation is … info.51.ca FORD: We’re talking politics.
0 ^. Q; Z/ `3 ^. j, f, v3 dMALE PATRON: When was the last time you smoked a joint? 51.CA 加国无忧 FORD: It doesn’t matter. These guys want me fucking covered. But I said ‘nobody is going to cover me.’ I’ve got everything under control. 加国华人网上家园 - 51.CA FEMALE VOICE: Rob!
J E" }0 ^" bFORD: Is that your, is that your wife? - I, Y; H5 u" s" Y& n
HIGH PITCHED VOICE: Yeah. 7 @: V: l0 S7 g9 {* {- \
FORD: Get her a shot right now or I’ll fucking break her—
; b0 t0 |4 ~* ]4 g- v" {8 ?MALE VOICE: It’s not a competition FEMALE VOICE: Stop. 51.CA 加国无忧 FORD: I don’t mind talking politics. Fuck bro, I fucking pound this every day. MALE VOICE: It’s nine o’clock at night. I tell you about my job it’ll last for fucking two hours. / U5 c7 @0 X3 X5 ~: O" U4 a) w7 s
FORD: [I heard a] dumb fucking wop over there, sorry. Is that racist? Sorry. If you don’t get a shot in two seconds I’ll knock your fucking teeth out. No, no, I don’t want that fucking dago down there to start. 加国 无忧 51.CA FEMALE VOICE: Everyone is allowed their down time. 无忧 资讯 info.51.CA MALE VOICE: That’s what I’m saying. It’s after nine, it’s over. FEMALE VOICE: What do you want? FORD: I want to give him two shots … ‘cause those two dagos are drinking together.
" Z4 \0 u, C& j* D+ W3 @MALE VOICE: Did you just call me a dago?
% a* M( ^( r* vFORD: I’m fucking sick of politics, dude. Look at my record. I’m gonna win. We’re gonna win. FEMALE VOICE: Rob! FORD: You’ve got two choices. You have Olivia Chow [unintelligible] You vote for Tory you’re voting for Chow. MALE VOICE: You’re splitting the vote! 加国 无忧 51.CA |