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我的汽车保险是TD meloche monnex的,全保,每月240元。其中关于deductible 的条款如下:
1 N" i; S v3 T& Y# N4 C4 A7 {7 ESpecified perils (excluding collision or upset) Deductible: included.% a4 A# X; g. M1 g0 S( n$ {
Comprehensive (excluding collision or upset) Deductible: 1000
1 z! J1 O& a7 |Collision or Upset deductible: 1000
7 ?: a! z" b& [All Perils: not covered.
7 K. w0 q& Q$ S. U! r哪位知道上面的Comprehensive deductible和Collision or Upset deductible是什么意思?
2 Z" w, S; Q# G% ^8 q
7 g+ O9 f, g2 ~9 {: K) m老公上礼拜和一个白人老头车追尾,当时就撞掉点油漆,老头今天来一个estimator(见附件),老头的车是1995年的雪佛兰camaro,据他说是sports car,很贵的,要我们赔他1769元,简直就是敲诈,大家可以看看附件的车子照片和车行的报价,零件费用是300多,租车费用150,人工费要1000多,这样总共是1700多。就这他说已经是非常照顾我了。他的理由是:(供大家以后使用)* [+ O( ? v1 }) Z& r3 n. F
1。我没有去医院检查,然后告诉你我哪里痛了伤了。& g: Y# C) Z1 J J& w# d
2。我没有去dealer那里去估价,而是找了这个reputable的bodyshop做估价。6 y, F R+ r( Z" }' V# j$ B
8 b& P& A1 Z0 c" o: `: s& O4。estimator里有句话是“possible hidden damage: needs overhaul.就是说bumper拆下来后,可能还有其他要修的钱,我这都不给你算了。
8 G* O2 h3 u9 w$ _+ t/ g$ n) ^3 t" s7 \, F5。我再仁尽义至一点,把租车费用免了。就1600,然后给我一个release form。以后车子修了更多的钱也不用我出了。" `. @: h$ c, E* s, y$ W
e, g: M3 t4 h4 k, @0 b
6 p* s1 ]. V) P. Z4 p我说维修完了是否会提供给我收据,他说不给,说我付款后会给一个release form,就是免责条款。他的车是否维修什么时候维修都与我无关。
, n q- `# \# _0 U
D( y0 |& E7 w. h我和老公商量下来觉得这个老头有敲诈嫌疑,最后我们觉得还是报保险公司。迟报的理由很简单,因为24日那天是非常轻微的碰撞,只有油漆脱落。我觉得不会超过1000元,所以就没有报案。但是现在老头狮子大开口要1600,我们觉得不公平,所以就报保险公司了。我现在的问题是不明白这个deductible的1000元是指的我自己的车修理有1000元垫底费还是说老头的车去修理我也要出1000元垫底费呢?
* Q, q& w& A; o
7 {. j0 j5 i: s' k" v3 M我问了一些朋友,有下面几种答复:我晕了。7 L5 T* n9 z5 m" k
' X& o6 m' o7 h; s, Q9 l5 p2.1000元垫底费的意思是说此次理赔如果是低于1000元的话,就全部自己承担,保险公司不管的。如果是高于1000元,就全部有保险公司承担,自己不用出钱。
5 A; p2 U5 V1 P. G1 E3.1000元垫底费的意思是自己要承担1000元,以上部分有保险公司承担。! u1 y5 s; @5 L, b9 z- f
& e2 ~) h1 S* g- @" s% N不知道哪位TX有过经验,请给点意见,先谢了。还有谁知道这种情况明年保险费大概会涨多少?2 M5 L( Z3 l! x! P, T' K
2 k& {6 R- M% |另外因为是老公撞的,明年我更新保险的时候把他名字去掉,对我还有影响么?我今天晚上问了state farm的陈立,他告诉我说,我可以renew 的时候换一家保险公司,然后签个文件,说我老公不开这个车,然后就应该影响不大。不知道这个方案是否可行。不过state farm的车险价格可不低。我打算明年就买三险,不要全保了。因为我已经把贷款还掉了,可以不用买全保。然后明年再把G牌考出来,估计保险费应该会低些。# X/ A# u5 K) z
3 {, j% Q8 N7 G; Z& E& [$ k% Y2 `* r这次老公觉得郁闷得很,本来希望他这次来能对多伦多多些好感的,看来又没希望了。他是越发的不喜欢这里了,说白人超坏。
% Z: [+ [) v* a3 _4 E9 ?! [/ W! \( k# T+ E$ ~( D, W
& g1 O5 U+ p! V" X+ D
6 W1 z5 m9 g5 x4 |% q
6 R2 P8 j9 T1 _0 ?7 v
8 I, V; H; q1 [7 `9 K
* ~* F- a H# R5 |0 k
2 ]- e u G2 b6 [- \% q# }
2 _6 s; D6 `; j" _! {1 p: }8 j9 V6 r( c- b8 N8 i; w2 u
找到一个资料。0 k4 G' ]6 i( m- J
" G8 m- T4 p- U- p9 ^1 X
/ _$ g0 l) u: {! l- r7 C9 B- VClaiming with Mandatory Plus Optional Coverage
4 ?. q' w) A$ g/ t* GSpecified Perils Coverage: If you purchased Specified Perils Coverage, your insurance company will pay for damage to your vehicle caused by one of the following perils: fire; theft or attempted theft; lightning; windstorm, hail, or rising water; earthquake; explosion; riot or civil disturbance; falling or forced landing of an aircraft or parts of an aircraft; or the stranding, sinking, burning, derailment, or collision of any kind of transport in, or on which, an insured vehicle is being carried on land or water, regardless of fault, less the deductible you chose at the time you purchased the coverage." A! j* U" n% ]) \6 d
. d; }' X, b, u u& N- v
Comprehensive Coverage: If you purchased Comprehensive Coverage, your insurance company will pay for the repair or replacement of your vehicle due to a non-collision loss, including those perils listed under Specified Perils, falling or flying objects, missiles, and vandalism, regardless of fault, less the deductible you chose at the time you purchased the coverage.
2 y8 p. \; W1 }+ ^7 X* R& S* v# d# _3 D; L: j b! t
Collision or Upset Coverage: If you purchased Collision or Upset Coverage, your insurance company will pay to fix or replace your vehicle if it is damaged in an accident, regardless of fault, less the deductible you chose at the time you purchased the coverage.- Z8 D% Y9 ?- f5 u7 D8 ]( B3 m
4 B: M# O4 X4 C8 [3 {( U9 v- u( kFor example, if your vehicle is hit while parked and the responsible driver does not remain at the accident scene and cannot be identified, you will be reimbursed for your vehicle repair costs only if your policy includes Collision or Upset Coverage.8 |, d* ^" Z" |( M8 S' l
6 q8 e! d' z3 D) y
Collision or Upset Coverage also pays to fix or replace your vehicle if a driver who was not insured, or cannot be identified, damaged your vehicle.: Z: f: B" H, J9 n2 A# Z/ d" h: R
, w) x0 c! k6 Z2 N+ W D/ Z
All Perils Coverage: If you purchased All Perils Coverage, your insurance company will pay for all losses noted above under Collision or Upset and Comprehensive Coverages, regardless of fault, less the deductible you chose at the time you purchased the coverage." K. @* s) Y# L% ~4 @2 r# |
1 W! Z+ |3 m' p) b, L3 p
If you had personal items that were stolen or damaged while in your vehicle, your policy may not pay for them, or may pay only a limited amount. This includes any clothing, luggage, and sporting equipment, as well as any electronic accessories and equipment, other than factory-installed equipment. However, if you have a homeowners, condominium, or renters insurance policy, your personal property may be covered under that policy. Call your broker, agent, or insurance company representative for more information.
. `0 v1 S6 f) v+ H) r* s' @$ s8 |0 f- C5 ]* n
照这么说的话,Comprehensive Coverage 和Collision or Upset Coverage都是指的自己的车子维修的费用,那么对方车子维修的费用应该是全部由保险公司赔的吧。问了两个朋友,他们的车子都是全责的,找保险公司理赔过,自己都一分钱没有出,只是第二年保费涨了。不知道明天我的保险公司怎么说。明天再来给大家汇报一下吧。
. D7 { A* y2 z! P) E. R
* u. o3 S. z4 k8 v# j/ k; I. A: T8 d& ^, U
想了一个晚上,也睡不好,一晚上尽做恶梦,遇到这种事情,估计谁也睡不好。一早起来还是和老公说,还是私了吧。老公最后也妥协了。然后我给老头发邮件,再打电话,听得出老头电话里可高兴了。本来还担心老头是否要涨价呢,看来这个老头还不算很黑,还是维持$1600的金额。我本来还以为开好money order后是否要邮寄给他还是送到他家去,结果人家可聪明了,说银行碰头一手交money order一手给我release form. 正好我今天本来就要去银行,所以想起我到时候让我银行的那个帮我开户的Keith签字作为witness.这样有个证人总好一点。: G2 ^3 K* J6 E5 f( s8 o+ G7 g
6 b# \7 s6 m3 Q" M5 x) k: ^ @: ] h, X) d2 W: B7 }3 @
上午去银行开了money order,老头来了,对着他的release form解释了一通,说一般追尾,都会说要检查头颈并保留两年的追溯权,他的意思就是说他这些全部都放弃了,已经对我很照顾了。release form里倒是这些都提了,事情简述,不通知双方保险公司,赔偿金额,放弃所有的权利等,而且上面还有老头的家庭地址,他老婆也作为证人签字,我这里是银行的Keith作为证人签字,核对了他的驾照,保单,签字,然后我也签字了。老头欢天喜地的美滋滋的走了,应该不会再去报案。如果他报保险公司的话,我最差也就是去把这1600要回来吧,然后再告他讹诈。 money order我是有底单的,证明我给他付款过了。# ?. ]$ C; g, @" I
/ x# Q3 Q' b1 X2 J: p/ [老公说看我就像捡到1600一样高兴,老头一走,我总算松了口气,噩梦结束,以后开车要加倍小心了。回想自己过去这几个月开车的确是没有加倍注意,经常马马虎虎,好几次都有惊无险的过去了。经过这个事情也充分给自己敲警钟,在北美开车出问题那可是非常的麻烦。破财消灾吧,虽说1600不是小数字,好歹麻烦还是在1礼拜内解决了,凡是能用钱解决的就都还不是大事。要是老头狠心一把,说什么病啊痛的,估计我找律师都不只这个费用了。 |